Evaluation in the Arts

Many arts organizations are required to collect some kind of data and report their impact because their funders require them to do so. But evaluation in the arts can be much richers and more beneficial. RJAE Consulting can help museums, zoos, aquariums and other cultural organizations learn what their visitors and audiences think - that’s called Visitor Studies. We can discover what patrons and participants learn from your programming. We can help you expand your arts education programs to include more emphasis on Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) and trauma-informed practices by conducting workshops for your artists and teachers.

Why the arts? Dr. Martha Brown is a professional evaluator of arts and arts education programs because she is also a professional musician - she not only values the arts, she lives them. So RJAE Consulting partners with arts organizations to help teaching artists, funders, organizations, and community members understand the effects programming and performances have on people - because it’s important.